The Reset Switch

I'm willing to bet that almost everyones solution to a piece of technology not working is to turn it on and off again. It's the most simple solution, and works almost every time, and we often shrug it off as it's "just cause it's been on too long" or maybe "its battery is running low".

And I think that this solution works for people too.

Emotions can easily get the best of us - whether it be from a gradual build up, or a sudden burst that switches up the world around you.

Blog Image of China to show travelling

In my opinion, one of the best ways out of a slump, in almost any circumstance, is to hit a life reset switch.

As an example, after having a relatively difficult few years, my life is currently changing in many drastic ways. The feeling is extremely daunting, as it feels like a straight dive into the deep end, but it's also exciting, and has lead to me feeling more positive.

For me, I'm moving to a new house after living at my current house for nearly 20 years, I've quit a job that left me feeling drained and stale, graduated from university and I'm about to begin travelling to new places by myself.

All these new occurances mean that I'm basically starting at square one, and I can't wait to see what happens next. My mental state feels better, I'm closer with my family and I'm ready to focus on what makes me happy.